Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dream Travel

I am writing this today because I long for the kiss of the sun on my skin. It has been raining for a week now in Singapore and I cannot stop thinking of the hot summer weather of the Coney Island Beach in New York. And the heat that comes from the Subway of New York. Ahh, how i am missing it, i cannot even begin to describe!

Thinking of my recent vacation still puts a wide smile on my face. How do you feel about traveling to another country? For me, it always feels exciting, frightening but exhilarating. No matter how you plan your trip anything can happen at any time of the day. My recent travel to USA has been very fulfilling.

I traveled with a friend for 21 days. It was a 22 hrs flight from Singapore to Narita, Japan to New York, USA. My very first long travel and it felt great. No jet lag or whatsoever (perhaps due to our excitement). In fact we went directly to Time Square - the most visited tourist attraction after arrival.

 First stop- Time Square!
Time Square+Yellow Cab+Travel Buddy

cool guy

Excited to explore one of the Fashion Capital of the world- NYC!

You can tell that we lack sleep but we felt so alive we were awake until midnight!

 The more I looked around it, the more I fell in love with the place. The noise from the thousands of tourist and workers who passes by Time Square is music to my ears. There's something about it that ignites euphoria in me.

Why do I love New York?

It doesn’t matter if you’re broke or rich, you can still have a great time. :)



Anonymous said...

i'm sure it was a great experience for you!

Anonymous said...

wow. good for you rousymarshy. my dream travel too. post more pictures pls!

- bea

Anonymous said...

i love New York. i agree with you when you said that there's something about Time Square and actually New York itself that makes me love it. i hope to go back there soon.

Anonymous said...

Im sure you have thousands of photos rose!
